Getting Started (version 25)

Installing the Add-in

  1. Run the CanaryInstaller-*.*.*.exe and select Custom Install.

  2. Select Excel Add-in and deselect any other components if only wishing to install the Add-in. (Deselecting other components will uninstall them if they were installed beforehand.)

  3. Select Next and choose the installation locations.

  4. Select Next then Install on the next screen to complete the installation.


When using the Add-in for the first time, the user will be prompted to set the endpoint to connect to the Views service upon opening Excel.

This initial set up should only need configured once (unless the user needs to connect to an alternate Historian).

  • Historian - the machine name or IP address of the Historian server the user wishes to connect to. By default, the Add-in attempts to connect to a Historian on the "localhost". (If the Historian service is remote from the Views service, the user will want to use the Views machine name instead, as all data requests are routed through the Views service. This type of architecture is uncommon.)
  • Type - Https
  • Port - 55321
  • Time Zone - the time zone in which to return and present data in. Defaults to the client's local time zone.
  • API Token (optional) - a token generated in the Identity service which allows the user to bypass the browser authentication window. If an API token is not supplied, the user must authenticate each time they use the Add-in. See How to Create an API Token.

Once the endpoint is set, a browser window will appear (if no API token has been supplied) allowing the user to authenticate. (A nag screen may initially appear asking if you want to proceed as it will not trust the self-signed certificate the Identity service is using, but this can be ignored and should not appear on subsequent logins.)

Once connected, the user can then query the Historian.

If unable to connect, check to ensure the endpoint you are trying to connect to is enabled and is not blocked in the firewall. The Views endpoint is enabled within the Canary Admin>Views tile>Configuration>Endpoints screen.

