Pie Chart
Adds the ability to easily see product splits, productive time vs unproductive time, etc.
- On Roadmap
Calculation in a Value Box
Add the ability to create a calculation in a value box based on existing tags. For instance, in a grid this would provide the ability to divide the value in column 1 by the value in column 2 and…
- Released
Change Color Label Text
Add the ability to change the color of the text in a label. With a dark background label text is white. If a label is placed over a symbol the white text isn't visible unless the symbol is a dark…
Autosave and Revert to Previous Version in Axiom
It would be really nice to autosave your work in Axiom. This could be set up globally or per user. And the autosave interval could be configured as well.…
Google Sheets Plugin
Add a plugin for Google Sheets.
Expand Chart in an Application to Full Screen
Add a feature to expand a chart embedded in an application to full screen size. This works for an individual tag (in a single trend chart) but does not work for a pre-configured multi-variable chart.…
Transpose Columns & Rows in a Grid
Enhance the Grid control to allow columns and rows to be transposed. The Asset would become the column header and all the tags values would populate the rows.…
Trend Chart Axis Labels
Add ability to create custom labels, that are outside the trend area, for the Y-axis in a trend
- In review
Duplicating Application Screens
Is there a way to duplicate a screen in an application so that you do not have to replicate the layout every time? Since there is a function for duplicating controls on the screen,…
- Released
Application Sync between 2 servers
An application built on a central server can be copied to a site server but there is no way to sync applications or to know which one is the most current version.…
Link to Application or Chart in Axiom Report Emails
Right now, Axiom Reports email can include a PNG attachment and a link to the PNG on the Axiom server. But there is no way to link back to the Application or Chart where the report came from.…
Configurable Axiom Report Timeout
Right now, the maximum amount of time allowed for an Axiom report to load is 2 minutes. If it takes longer than 2 minutes to load, we receive an error message, and the report does not send.…
Remember Scroll Position in Screen Tab Scroll Bar
Right now, if you have more screen tabs than can be shown along the top of an Axiom Application, there is a scroll bar to let you scroll to more screen tabs to the right.…
- Released
Axiom Application URL Parameters for Playback
Adding URL parameters to Axiom Applications to control playback would allow us to send a link to a specific Axiom Application at a specific time, much like with the URL parameters for Charts.…
Customize Support Link on Axiom Error Page
Right now, the error page in Axiom shows a small link at the bottom right "Need Help? Contact Support". The link takes users to a new email sending to support@canarylabs.com.…
A new property for the Spark Chart
I think a StartTime would be helpful for the Spark Chart control so it can display historical data without also having to display real-time data. I have a Value Box that displays a historical…
- In review
Bar Chart Axis Label Format Option
Add an option to format the axis label in a bar chart. For instance - I don't need the date for a bar chart that covers the last 12 hrs. All I need to see is a time stamp.…
Bar Chart Calculated Trend
A calculated trend would be a nice feature to add to the Bar Chart component, as we have in the Trend Chart. Even if it's not the exact same functionality (as I understand you don't want to…
- In review
Add cursor option for min/max/avg like we have for delta
The delta cursor mode is great. It would be nice if there was a way to do the same for min/max/avg. Our current workaround is using cursor mode = zoom and then clicking statistics after zooming…
Allow for Additional Certificate Find Types
Right now, Axiom only allows for two of the possible X509FindTypes when configuring Axiom to use HTTPS. It would be helpful to be able to choose FindByTemplateName as the Find Type instead.…
- Released
Filter Grid by Aggregate Kind
Add the ability to filter a grid using an aggregate kind. For instance, a grid showing an Alarm tag with the aggregate kind "CountInStateNonZero will show the number of times an alarm has occurred…
Floating Labels on Chart Need Background Color
Back in the TrendLink days, the floating labels had a solid background color which allowed the text to have a white font to stand out from the background of the trend line.…
Enable rolling calculations
Currently all windowed calculations use a fixed window. The start and end time of the window are fixed in time. So if you apply the time average filter this leads to a graphs with steps.…
Create Password Visibility Toggle Button
It would be helpful for users entering their password into the login page of Axiom to be able to view their password before logging in. On some browsers and devices,…