Values in a Bar Chart
Add a check box to show the value of a bar in a bar chart. Provide the option to display the value at the top of the bar or in the center of the bar. This would make the bar chart much easier to…
Restricting edit access in axiom
It would be great if there was a feature in axiom to prevent certain users from being able to modify or save new application views within axiom? Ideally I would like to prevent some users from…
Allow scripting to Control Playback Mode - A little
I would like to see scripting able to launch the Playback Application upon a Change (like a Button click) so that I can use on screen Date Pickers to push Date.…
Customize Support Link on Axiom Error Page
Right now, the error page in Axiom shows a small link at the bottom right "Need Help? Contact Support". The link takes users to a new email sending to support@canarylabs.com.…
A new property for the Spark Chart
I think a StartTime would be helpful for the Spark Chart control so it can display historical data without also having to display real-time data. I have a Value Box that displays a historical…
- In review
Bar Chart Axis Label Format Option
Add an option to format the axis label in a bar chart. For instance - I don't need the date for a bar chart that covers the last 12 hrs. All I need to see is a time stamp.…
Bar Chart Calculated Trend
A calculated trend would be a nice feature to add to the Bar Chart component, as we have in the Trend Chart. Even if it's not the exact same functionality (as I understand you don't want to…
- In review
Event Tables in Axiom
Would like to display Canary Event info in Axiom. Maybe as a table or cards that represent each event?
- Released
Add cursor option for min/max/avg like we have for delta
The delta cursor mode is great. It would be nice if there was a way to do the same for min/max/avg. Our current workaround is using cursor mode = zoom and then clicking statistics after zooming…
Minimal Trend Chart Headers
The trend chart header currently takes up a lot of space. When using trend charts in asset templates, you lose a lot of real estate to the current header.…
Allow for Additional Certificate Find Types
Right now, Axiom only allows for two of the possible X509FindTypes when configuring Axiom to use HTTPS. It would be helpful to be able to choose FindByTemplateName as the Find Type instead.…
- Released
export data to excel from a grid
It would be useful to export data from a grid so we don't have to use the excel add-in. Since the grid autopopulates the assets it is also easier to maintain the asset list for exporting data.…
Filter Grid by Aggregate Kind
Add the ability to filter a grid using an aggregate kind. For instance, a grid showing an Alarm tag with the aggregate kind "CountInStateNonZero will show the number of times an alarm has occurred…
Floating Labels on Chart Need Background Color
Back in the TrendLink days, the floating labels had a solid background color which allowed the text to have a white font to stand out from the background of the trend line.…
Enable rolling calculations
Currently all windowed calculations use a fixed window. The start and end time of the window are fixed in time. So if you apply the time average filter this leads to a graphs with steps.…
Axiom Report - pdf request & Filename
Request filename feature and pdf format to save the report
- Released
Create Password Visibility Toggle Button
It would be helpful for users entering their password into the login page of Axiom to be able to view their password before logging in. On some browsers and devices,…
Axiom Annotations - Access Control and Management
This feature request is for access control and management for the annotations within Canary Axiom. Currently, any and all users have the permission to create, update,…
Save controls when changing asset type in Asset Template
Right now, when you create an Asset Template with a specific asset type, then change that asset type, all controls inside of the Asset Template Panel get removed.…
Allow showing more than 100 assets in Asset Template
It would be very useful to show more than 100 assets in an Asset Template. I understand that this is to prevent performance issues. So if possible, the maximum number of assets allowed could be an…
Axiom highlight area - Delta,Avg,Min,Max
Make a way so we can highlight an area and get the average, min, and max of it. (Just like getting the Delta of an area)
Add Data Labels value option for bar charts and linear gauges
In Excel charts, one can add a data label as a chart element. Would it be possible to add that for Axiom bar charts, linear gauges, etc...? I did that for a series of linear gauges I made but I had…
Axiom Event Table Control Needs More Rows
Currently your Events Table Control in Axiom only allows for up to 100 rows of events to be displays in a dashboard. Our pharmaceutical customers rely on this table to show them critical event data,…
Events Table control option to filter on property value
We have an event setup for the beginning and ending of every stop that occurs. That event is setup with a property for the stop reason. It would be nice if the events table control in Axiom had an…
Ability to see date/time when application or chart was last saved (similar to file explorer in Windows)
Sometimes I have multiple iterations of an application, or multiple people may be working on a copy of the sane dashboard. This might help save some time determining which file is the newest,…