Allow scripting to Control Playback Mode - A little

  • ryan
  • ryan
  • updated 7 mths ago

I would like to see scripting able to launch the Playback Application upon a Change (like a Button click) so that I can use on screen Date Pickers to push Date.Time and TimeSpan values into the Playback Application properties.  I would also like to use that 'Button Click' to change PlaybackMode between Enabled/Disabled (showing and hiding the Playback bar).  I have a number of reasons to want to do this in scripting, starting with first running a method to clear some of the properties from symbols/lines/etc on the screen prior to running playback between times selected on Date Time Pickers used for data review in ranges.  This avoids confusion of the user on why they have to enter dates a second time in the playback feature.

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  • 7 mths agoLast active
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