Application Sync between 2 servers
An application built on a central server can be copied to a site server but there is no way to sync applications or to know which one is the most current version.…
Total line for asset template (or for a grid using an asset type)
We used asset template and grid controls to show information for multiple assets individually and this works well. Is there a way to have a total of a column at the bottom?…
How to set a list box to a certain selected item
Let's say I have a list box (ListBox1) with 2 values (Test1 and Test2) with multi-select off. It is currently showing "Test2". I know how to know what it is set to and use that elsewhere in scripting.…
- Answered
Events Table control option to filter on property value
We have an event setup for the beginning and ending of every stop that occurs. That event is setup with a property for the stop reason. It would be nice if the events table control in Axiom had an…
Addition of Map Control in Applications
My team has recently gained access to latitude/longitude coordinates in tag format for our assets. I believe a powerful visual in an Axiom Application would be to see asset locations based on the…
Playback Enable Function
I'm adding a button called "Playback", and it's function needs to take Start and End Date/Time Pickers, calculate span, update screen properties, and set playback properties automatically.…
Flexibility in date format in Date Time Picker
The date format for the Date time picker in Axiom can be changed. For example, only needs to display the DATE without any TIME
Label Control (version 24)
Properties *Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script SourceTag - opens the ADD TRENDS menu to link the control to a tag. The Text field will then display the full tag path.…
Label Control (version 23)
Properties Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script * SourceTag - opens the 'ADD TRENDS' menu to link the control to a tag. The 'Text' field will then display the full tag path.…
Label Control (version 25)
Properties *Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script SourceTag - opens the ADD TRENDS menu to link the control to a tag. The Text field will then display the full tag path.…
Event Property Integration
Canary Historian currently allows users to store custom events in an SQLite database, each with its set of properties. Will it be Possible to save these event properties as Actual Tags.…
Display statistics for calculated trends on charts
Consider developing into the Statistics menu the option to get info on calculated trends as well, even if the data becomes interpolated and inferred when you mix two or more trends with different…
Unofficial API for Web Read API in NodeJS
Hello everyone! I use Axiom to build production and monitoring dashboards and have built an npm package to be able to integrate the web read API into nodeJS applications such as server daemons for…
Add the option to hide or collapse a Panel control
The ability to hide a panel control or collapse it would empower Axiom to be possible to build more correlation driven trees for indicators. It would also benefit to create in a single screen…
Application Error following upgrade from 22.3 to 23.1
I get the error below after a Canary version upgrade. I can reload the application after an upgrade to version 23.1. The application will reload after showing an error,…
Axiom Scripting Methods
Is there an example on how to properly use IDataprovider methods like GetRawData? The scripting documentation has some examples but not any showcasing this.
Download Axiom Desktop for Offline Installation
Hi I'm new in Canary and I would like to install Axiom Desktop in a server without internet access. Where can I download de Axiom_Setup.exe for manual installation?
Create Password Visibility Toggle Button
It would be helpful for users entering their password into the login page of Axiom to be able to view their password before logging in. On some browsers and devices,…
Creating a Duplicate Control Freezes Axiom Application
On Axiom v23, when I am editing an Application and select Duplicate, the interface throws an error and I have to reload it. The duplication appears to be successful,…
Add radar/spider charts as controls in axiom applications
It would be nice to have a radar/spider chart to show if live data is running on optimal parameters. The control would take tags as input, and increase the plot polygon accordingly.…
Configurable Axiom Report Timeout
Right now, the maximum amount of time allowed for an Axiom report to load is 2 minutes. If it takes longer than 2 minutes to load, we receive an error message, and the report does not send.…
Allow for Additional Certificate Find Types
Right now, Axiom only allows for two of the possible X509FindTypes when configuring Axiom to use HTTPS. It would be helpful to be able to choose FindByTemplateName as the Find Type instead.…
- Released
Data Entry Question
I know Axiom is capable of data entry, I wanted to know the capabilities I wanted to make a data entry form on Axiom where operators enter a number for lbs of scrap and have the time and date…
Data Entry Visual: Toggle Tag / Description
Dear all, I have created an application with a ton of tags which can be written to via the data entry visual to the historian. However, it is quite unclear which tag truly references which data…
"NullReferenceException" error
Hi Canarylabs teams, I am trying the new function of ValueBox on Axiom, which names "Source calcultion". The function is working and easy to use. However, every time I re-open the application,…