Timer in Axiom

We had a plant ask: I want to add a tag to my dashboard that starts a timer after a stop so that if the line is stopped, you can see on the dashboard how long it has been down.

I have used a timer in a script and I might have other thoughts on their request but just curious if someone might have a recommendation for handing this.

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  • Hi James Wise ,

    I'm not sure how to do this through a script, but there is a DurationSinceLastTVQ function in Calcs. It outputs milliseconds, but you could convert it to something else. You would probably have to embed it in an "if" statement so that it only measures the amount of time after the stop. You would also have to run it periodically (maybe once a minute?).

    Just an idea.

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  • I would like to recommend utilizing the alarm event table for this purpose. By configuring an alarm linked to the main line status, you can effectively track the start and end times of any downtime events directly on your dashboard. Here’s a step-by-step suggestion on how to achieve this:

    1. Configure an Alarm for Main Line Status:

      • Set up an alarm that triggers when the main line status indicates a stop. This can be configured in your alarm settings based on the specific conditions that denote a line stop.
    2. Utilize the Alarm Event Table:

      • Once the alarm is configured, the alarm event table will automatically log each occurrence of the line stopping. This table provides a detailed record of the start time and end time of each event.
      • The alarm event table can be accessed through your dashboard, allowing you to monitor the duration of each downtime event in real-time.
    3. Display Alarm Event Table on Dashboard:

      • Add the alarm event table to your dashboard. This table will show you exactly what you are looking for: the start time and end time of each line stop event. This will enable you to see how long the line has been down for any given stop event.
    4. IMHO
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    • Steve Mason jddios. osorio Thank you both. 

      I am working with the user in question having given a couple of options

      Option 1 is using an event. I had already thought about this and we had it setup but I still appreciate the suggestion. 

      Option 2 is the calculated tag idea which I setup for them per Steve's suggestion. I like the options this gives us (e.g. tag that can be used in a value box, trend chart, etc...). Cons might be that I only have it set to run once a minute (though that is probably okay for them) and that it is formatted as decimal minutes instead of hh:mm (also, probably okay). 

      I think one of these will work but if not, I'll follow-up as needed. I consider this answered though!

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  • Status Answered
  • 4 mths agoLast active
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