Rollup calculation syntax
I'm trying to create a rollup calculation but I don't really understand he syntax and I can't find any examples.
I have a virtual view with these asset types:
one Company, with multiple Sites, each of which has multiple Units, each of which has multiple Items, each of which has a Temperature tag (among others)
I want each Unit to hold the average, max and min Temperature on all the Items below it (I then want to roll those up to the Site). I've got this:
I suspect the Source Path is wrong but I don't know. Can anyone advise?
3 replies
Hi ,
Your suspicions are correct. For the first parameter in the Rollup function you will want to use 'CSV Hierarchy.My Company.Site00.%Asset%' based upon your Asset Path. See if that works for you.
If you want, you can download the JSON file from this article which has examples of all of the available Canary functions then import them from the Calc & Events status screen.