Using DataEntry to Flag Assets

I've used the Asset Template to display all known assets of 'Wells' in my simulation. Then I used a filter on the Asset Template to show me only those wells that are outside spec.
To the right of the trends is the Data Entry control. This control has been linked to a tag that exists at each well named 'WellStatus_md'. As a well engineer examines each well, they may update the tag from a value of 0 to a value of 1 to clear the well from their list, or a value of 2 to indicate that the well needs additional attention.
At the end of each shift, a report is generated that includes all wells marked as a 2. These nightly reports are archived on the Canary server as well as distributed via email.
Each night at midnight, the 'WellStatus_md' tag resets back to 0, thus resetting the wells and providing for the next day's workflow to begin.
I've included a video of me using the application.
2 replies
I saw the video, looked great.In my application, I would like to do some manual entry capturing in Axiom if practical.
I like the annotations, but I also wanted to look into the manual entry.
I am still testing to see how well it will or will not work.
I have questions.Reset
Is the reset on the WellStatus_md done from Canary side?
If so, is it a script and it looks at UTC time?
Safe string entry
I wondered about user entered commented to a table in Canary, not just the annotation.
String entry is safe and sanitized?
Timestamp column name renaming
Can I change the auto generated 'Timestamps' column name?
I want to capture both the entry time and manually entered event time.
I want to do this outside of just the annotations to be clear.
License counts concern
Is there a good way to make dummy tags for manual entry which won't count against the license tag count?
Or should I multiplex a half dozen tags for manually entered comments for all my production lines instead of a half dozen for each?