Set Endpoint (version 23)

  • updated 2 yrs ago

Before the user can request data from the Historian, the client must point their add-in to the Views service residing on the historian server. This initial set up should only need configured once (unless the user needs to make a different connection or connect to an alternate historian altogether).

When selecting the 'Set Endpoint' button, the following menu appears:


  • Historian - the machine name or IP address of the Historian server the user wishes to connect to. (If the Historian service is remote from the Views service, the user will want to use the Views machine name instead, as all data requests are routed through the Views service. This type of architecture is rare.)
  • Type - the way in which the client will connect to the Views service on the historian server
    • Anonymous
    • Username - a secure connection that requires the user to pass in their username and password
    • Windows - a secure connection that uses the user's Window credentials
  • Port - the endpoint the client will try to connect to on the historian machine
    • 55231 - Anonymous
    • 55234 - Username and Windows
  • User - the username of the client wishing to connect if using the Username type
  • Password - the password of the client wishing to connect if using the Username type
  • Time Zone - the time zone in which to return and present data in. Defaults to the client's local time zone.

If unable to connect, check to ensure the endpoint you are trying to connect to is enabled. Endpoints are enabled within the Canary Admin>Views tile>Configuration tab>Endpoints.

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