Asset Filter on Panel
In the Asset Template, you can filter by properties and other attributes of an asset. It would be nice if you could do this same filtering on a panel that had an asset applied.…
Put features like "Send to Back" and "Bring to Front" on controls
It would be nice to add like PowerPoint and other SCADAs have when developing screens, for Axiom, the possibility to manage which control will be on top of the other,…
Axiom No License Message
Hi Everyone I read this message on Axiom....but I have license until next year. What's happenning?
How to Add an OpenID Connect Identity Provider (version 24)
By default, Canary uses Windows AD for user authentication; however, starting in v24, Canary also supports OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect. This gives end users alternate options for signing into Canary's…
v24 Axiom not releasing View/Historian Resources
Our 24.0.1 Message logs are being borderline flooded by "context has timed out". I opened a case 8978 to investigate. They said it's probably an issue with "Axiom is not releasing its Views/Historian…
- Fixed
v24 Excel Misleading Error for TVQ Limit
Version 24.0.1. In Admin\Views\Settings, there is a setting to limit "Max Return Tvq Count". By default, it's set to 10,000 (which I think is low). If someone in Excel asks for more TVQs than this,…
- Fixed
No Data Received Icon Not Showing - V24.1.1
When a dataset is configured to alert when no data has been received within a certain timeframe, the alert Icon on the dataset name in the Historian tab never shows up.…
- Fixed
v24.0.1 Admin\View\Trend is in UTC
I'm in Canary Admin 24.0.1. I went to Views and hit the Trend button. You can see from the data and the trend overlay that the timestamps don't match. It looks like the Trend is reporting in UTC.
- Fixed
How to Configure the CSV Collector (version 23)
There are two files that need created/configured upon installing the CSV Collector: SAF_ImportService.config SAF_Import.config SAF_ImportService.config By default,…
Aggregate from Start of Day to Current Time
How do you write an equation for an aggregate function that spans a period from the start of the DAY up to the current time. When I try something like this below Delta('[Product Counter Example]',…