How to Configure the CSV Collector (version 22)
There are two files that need created/configured upon installing the CSV Collector: SAF_ImportService.config SAF_Import.config SAF_ImportService.config By default,…
Consume csv files without the Engineering units row
Hi everyone, I have an operator's logs screen in Ignition processed as a dataset, which I later export as a csv file for Canary's csv collector to consume.…
CSV Collector only scans folder on service start
Hi - I have a CSV collector pulling in files from a remote site. The collector scans the folder when I start the service and correctly picks up the number of files to process.…
UFL collector fails to start
I have installed the UFL collector, following https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/m1y8gkj/how-to-configure-the-csv-collector-version-24 but after installation, the install folder looks different:…
- Answered
CSV Collector Propertynames and PropertyOffsets
I'm a newbie, Can someone give me an example of how to use propertynames and propertyoffsets in SAF_Import.config file?
How to export trends as a CSV file with more DECIMALS?
Hello all, I am running into an issue regarding exporting trends to CSV files. I can easily export the values for the timeframe I need, but it won't export with any decimal places?…
CSV Collector Tile (version 23)
The 'CSV Collector' tile displays the connections that are currently configured for consuming data through CSV files. From here the user can enable/disable each session.…
CSV Collector Tile (version 24)
Directories - number of directories being monitored Queued - number of CSV files waiting to be processed Processed - number of CSV files that have been processed since the service started Tags -…
How to Configure the CSV Collector (version 24)
There are two files that need created/configured upon installing the CSV Collector: SAF_ImportService.config SAF_Import.config SAF_ImportService.config By default,…
How to Configure the CSV Collector (version 23)
There are two files that need created/configured upon installing the CSV Collector: SAF_ImportService.config SAF_Import.config SAF_ImportService.config By default,…
Migrate GE historian data to Canary
Hi folks, has anyone experienced such a data motion from GE to Canary? I was thinking at using HDA client but Canary lacks that, right? So it’s only CSV and SQL? The db is 10gb+ so CSV might be hard.…