CSV Collector Tile (version 25)

- Directories - number of directories being monitored
- Queued - number of CSV files waiting to be processed
- Processed - number of CSV files that have been processed since the service started
- Tags - number of unique tags that have been processed since the service started
- TVQs - number of TVQs (timestamp value quality) that have been processed in the last hour
- Version - versioning number of the CSV Collector
The CSV Collector tile displays the connections that are currently configured for consuming data through CSV files. From here the user can enable/disable each session. As for the actual configuration of the connection, that is done through two config files. See How to Configure the CSV Collector for more details.
Status Screen
DIRECTORY - the directory which the CSV Collector service is monitoring for consuming and processing CSV files
ENABLED - True or False, if the session is enabled or not
HISTORIAN - server name or IP address of the destination(s) the data is being sent to
DATASET - DataSet where the data will be stored within the Historian
LAST FILE - name of the last CSV file that was processed
LAST FILE TIME - datetime of when the last file was processed
FILES - total number of files that have been processed since the session was enabled
TAGS - total number of unique tags that have been processed since the session was enabled
TOTAL TVQS - total number of TVQ's (data values) that have been processed since the session was enabled
LAST HR TVQS - total number of TVQ's (data values) that have been processed in the last hour
RUNNING SINCE - datetime of when the session was last enabled
ERROR COUNT - total number of errors that have been found since the session was enabled. These errors can be found in the Messages tile.
ENABLE/DISABLE - enables or disables the session