How To Import Custom Symbols (version 25)

Although a custom image can be embedded into an Axiom application using the Image control, a Symbol is more useful in that it can be linked to a SourceTag whereupon limits can be applied to change its color. In this article, we will explain how to upload custom symbols into the Symbol Picker menu.

The symbol picker only supports SVG images and the file name MUST be prepended with a unique index number such as these shown below.

Images must be uploaded to the server machine containing the Axiom core, not a client machine.

  1. Create a new folder in C:\Program Files\Canary\Axiom\wwwroot\vendors\symbols if using the default install location. In this example, we named the folder '1 Custom Symbols' so that it appears at the top of the category list.
  2. Place custom images in this folder using the format shown above.
  3. The user must sign out of Axiom, if currently signed in, to see newly uploaded images.

