Button Control (version 25)
Knowledge Base / Version 25 / Client Tools / Axiom / Applications
*Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script
- Color - sets the color of the Button
- FontSize - Small, Normal, Large, Extra Large
- IsVisible - a checkbox to show or hide the contro
- NavigateSource - navigates to another application, chart, screen (if the current application contains multiple screens), or url when clicked
- NavigateTarget - used in conjunction with NavigateSource, determines if the CurrentWindow or a NewWindow should be used when navigating to a new source
- Text - sets the text value of the button
- Width - the width of the control in pixels
- X - the horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner in relation to its parent container
- Y - the vertical coordinate of the top-left corner in relation to its parent container
- *OnClick - used to trigger a script that runs when the button is clicked
* These properties are only available to Canary users listed on the Axiom>Script access control list within the Identity tile.