Data Entry Control (version 24)
- Tag Name
- Entry value to be committed
- Entry time to be committed with value. Timestamps can be relative or actual. (ex. now, now - 5minutes, day + 3h, January 1, 2021 12:01 AM)
- Current value of tag
- Current timestamp of the value
- Button to commit entries
The DATA ENTRY control allows users to manually upload data to the historian for tags that already exist. It cannot create new tags. It can be used to...
- Write new data
- Overwrite preexisting data (provided the timestamps are exact)
- Insert historical data
Any values written to the historian using the Data Entry control are accompanied with audit information including the user who committed the entry and the date/time when it was committed.
Once the data is committed, it can only be overwritten by other sources that also have audit information. If the data source does not have audit information, an error is thrown in the message log indicating the "replace/delete failed". The only data sources that have audit information are the Data Entry control and the /manualEntryStoreData function within the Write API.
The Axiom Core uses the local Store and Forward (SaF) service to write these values to the historian. With that in mind, a tag cannot be updated using this tool if the tag is being currently logged from the same local SaF service.
Configuration & Permissions
In order to use the Data Entry control the Canary user/group must be placed on the Axiom>Data Entry Control list within the Identity tile>Security>Access Control Lists screen.
The Data Entry control is only available to these users when creating applications. Once the application is created though, other users (who have access to that application) may be able to use it with limited functionality.
In order to restrict who can commit entries, Tag Security must be enabled within the Identity tile>Security>Tag Security screen. If it is enabled, a user must have Write permissions. (See Identity Tile - Tag Security for more information.) If a user does not have the proper permissions an error is thrown.
If Tag Security is NOT enabled, anyone with access to the Data Entry control can commit entries.
*Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script
- **Destination - a comma delimited list of Historian machine names of where the data is being written to
- Height - the height of the control in pixels
- **IsStagedTimeReadOnly - a checkbox to determine if the entry timestamp can be edited by other users
- IsVisible - a checkbox to show or hide the control
- *StagedTime- the timestamp attached to the values to be committed
- **Tags - opens a TAGS menu where users can add (+), delete (
), or rearrange (
) tags
- Width - the width of the control in pixels
- X - the horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner in relation to its parent container
- Y - the vertical coordinate of the top-left corner in relation to its parent container
*These properties are only available to Canary users listed on the Axiom>Script access control list within the Identity tile.
**These properties are only available to those Canary users/groups who are on the Axiom Data Entry Control list.