Application URL Parameters (version 24)

  • updated 2 mths ago

The following URL parameters can be passed in to create links for applications:

  • Application
  • AssetInstance
  • ScreenName
  • InactiveTimeout
  • Mode


The application parameter is used to load a specific application in Axiom. The entire filepath must be included.



The assetinstance parameter is used to set the screen level asset instance and is only valid for applications that utilize screen level asset instances.

https://AxiomServer#application=ReadOnly\Line Production&assetinstance=Line 4


The screenname parameter is used to set the active screen of an application. This parameter is only applicable if the application has multiple screens. The expected value format is the Name property of the screen. See Screen Control for more information on screen properties.


The inactivetimeout parameter is used to expire the Axiom session after the user has not performed any activity for the specified period of time. The inactivity time period is specified in milliseconds.



The Mode parameter is used to put an application in a read-only state. The user can set the value equal to ReadOnly or ChartOnly.

If Mode=ReadOnly, the application menu and edit buttons are hidden. Similarly, if any charts are embedded in the application, its chart menu and edit trends buttons are also hidden.


If Mode=ChartOnly, the application menu and edit buttons are hidden, but the user will still be able to add or edit trends if the application contains a chart.

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