Line Control (version 24)
Knowledge Base / Version 24 / Client Tools / Axiom / Applications
*Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script
- AggregateInterval - the amount of time within each interval over which the data is processed using an AggregateKind (e.g. 15 minutes, 15m, 00:15:00)
- AggregateKind - the aggregate used to process the data over a given AggregateInterval
- SourceTag - opens the ADD TRENDS menu to link the control to a tag
- ValueTransform - transform data using the keyword, "value", as the variable tag within an expression (e.g. 3.14*Pow(value,2)). Calculations are performed using C# NCalc library. For more information on NCalc functions, click here.
- Color - sets the color of the line
- IsVisible - a checkbox to show or hide the control
- Limit - used to set a limit(s) on the control
- Value - sets the limit to a static number or other SourceTag
- Comparison - choose between <, >, >=, <=, or =
- Color - sets the color for the configured limit
- LineStyle - Solid, Dash, Dot
- LineThickness - sets the thickness of the line
- MarkerEnd - sets the style of the end point of the line: None, ArrowStart, ArrowEnd
- MarkerStart - sets the style of the start point of the line: None, ArrowStart, ArrowEnd
- *OnBeginValueChange - used to trigger a script that runs immediately before the tag value changes
- *OnEndValueChange - used to trigger a script that runs immediately after the tag value changes
* These properties are only available to Canary users listed on the Axiom>Script access control list within the Identity tile.
Multiple points can be added or removed from a line by selecting a point on the line, then clicking the Add vertex or Remove vertex button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.