Ignition Module does not like periods in tag provider name

I can't find this explicitly stated in the documentation, but are periods permitted when naming tag providers in Ignition?
My lucky permutation is as follows:
* Ignition 8.1.44
* Canary V23
* Canary module 24 (initially, but subsequently 23.0.1)
* Tag provider named "Cat.Dog"
This resulted in tags (where historised) created successfully in Canary, but the following errors in the logger, with data sitting in Store Forward:
Cannot invoke "com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.sqltags.model.TagPath.toStringFull()" because "tp" is null
Creating a new tag provider "tpCatDog" works fine.
2 replies
Hi ,
I am not getting the same behavior. I added a provider using a period in the name and everything seemed to work as expected. No errors were recorded. I used the same versions as you mentioned above.