v24 Data Generator Service Documentation/Setup

We have Canary 24. I tried to set up Data Generator as a service following the video on https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/x2y8g13/the-data-generation-tool-version-24. But it looks like this video is old and doesn't apply to v24. The "CanaryDataGeneratorService.exe" isn't where it says it should be. I found it in "D:\Program Files\Canary\Collectors\Data Generator Service". I created a service that pointed the "D:\Program Files\Canary\Collectors\Data Generator\ ServiceCanaryDataGeneratorService.exe", but it failed to start up. The event logs showed an error "Service cannot be started. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'D:\ProgramData\Canary\Data Generation\Sample.dgf'.". I checked and that file sure didn't exist. I saved a new file there with the name it was looking for and everything fired up perfectly. Is it possible to update the documentation to

1) actually mention the Generator service (it's not written in the article, it's just in the video)

2) let people know that it only works if there's a very specific file in a very specific location.


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