How to Get Tag Data type via the API

Is there a way to get the data type of a tag via the Web API, or even a way to export the tag data type manually.

I am trying to integrate with Canary with the Seeq analytics application?  It uses the Web API to read tag, and looks for a Data Type property to know how to handle the tag within Seeq.

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  • Given that the Data Type is available from the Last Value function from within the Excel Addin, is it available from the GetLastData API function?

  • Hi john. patanian ,

    Currently, there is no api call that returns the data type. If wanting the last value, you would use the /getTagData function and not pass in an aggregate or start/end time. This however, does not return a data type, just timestamp, value, and quality. Feel free to add a feature request: https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/category/data-connectivity

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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