v24 Excel Add-In Tag Search Buggy

There seems to be a bug in searching for tags in Excel v24.0.1. You can see from the video, the tag list is only filtered in certain scenarios.

If you select the View, and then type in a search query, nothing happens. But then if you click on View (i.e., to remove it), the query filter gets applied.

Alternatively. If you first type in your query, nothing happens. If you then select a View, the filter gets applied.

As a user, I would assume that the text filter I type in would be applied regardless of whether or not a View or Path is selected.

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  • Actually, it's even worse. The tag list will not update if you edit the search text. Only if you change the path. And, after a few times, the list gets stuck on Loading. No errors on the server.

    And, if you get distracted and come back to Excel in a bit, even the Path picker stops working. It just says "Loadin" forever.

  • Hi Damon Vinciguerra ,

    I was able to reproduce the first part of which I created a bug for development to look at. I haven't experienced the stuck in Loading though.

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    • Steve Mason I'll settle for the first part! Maybe the loading part will get worked out along the way. Thanks!

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