Axiom Tile (version 22)

Licenses Screen
The 'Licenses' screen displays any users who are currently connected to Axiom as well as any licenses that are reserved for specific users.
- FREE - selecting a client from the list and clicking the 'FREE' button will disconnect the user from Axiom freeing up the consumed license
- CLIENT - displays the type of client that is connected, browser or desktop, followed by a unique GUID identifying their session
- USER - the username of client
- COUNT - the number of instances or tabs the client is running
Each 'Client' in the list consumes 1 license. The user may have 3 applications open (using 3 different tabs in a browser), but this will only consume 1 license. If, however, the user is using the desktop client in addition to the browser client, these would appear as 2 separate clients and consume 2 licenses.
Reserved licenses are always available for the users specified; therein, limiting the amount of free licenses for others to use.
- ADD - opens the 'Reserved License' menu to add a user and set the amount of reserved licenses
- MODIFY - opens the 'Reserved License' menu for the selected user to modify
- REMOVE - removes the selected user from the list
- USER - username of the client
- USED - the number of licenses being currently used
- RESERVED - the number of licenses reserved for the user
Usage Screen
The 'Usage' screen displays the history of clients and the applications that have been opened.
- CLIENT - client type (browser or desktop) followed by a unique GUID
- USER - domain and username
- APPLICATION - name of application or chart that is opened
- START - Date/Time of when the application was opened
- END - Date/Time of when the application was closed
Configuration Screen
There are 2 endpoints for local connections and 2 for remote connections to the Axiom Core. The endpoints for remote connections can be modified if another process is already listening on those ports. If the port is changed, the new port number must be specified in the url after the machine name (i.e. http://machineName:8080)
- Net.Pipe - Windows (Local Only) - used for a secure connection to the Axiom Core on the local machine. Login credentials required.
- Net.Pipe - Anonymous (Local Only) - allows any local user access to the Axiom Core without credentials
- Https - Username - uses username/password credentials entered by a remote client to make a secure connection through the default port 443
- Http - Anonymous - allows any remote web user access without credentials through the default port 80
- Store Name - the file location of the client certificate within the machine's certificate store
- Find Type - criteria by which the Axiom searches for the certificate
- FindBySubjectName
- FindByThumbprint
- Subject Name - the value of the Subject Name or Thumbprint
If wishing to make Axiom publicly accessible over the internet, a valid certificate from a trusted CA must be installed.
The 'Access' screen provides the user the ability to restrict who as access to log in to Axiom.
By default, Everyone and the ANONYMOUS LOGON are allowed access.
- ADD - click to add users/groups to the 'ALLOW' list
- REMOVE - click to remove the selected user/group from the 'ALLOW' list
User/groups on the 'DENY' list will not be able to access Axiom
- ADD - click to add users/groups to the 'DENY' list
- REMOVE - click to remove the selected user/group from the 'DENY' list
The 'Settings' screen displays the base path where Axiom charts and applications are stored. If wishing to change this base path see How to Change the Axiom Base Path Location.