How to Delete Tag Properties (version 24)

Properties (or metadata) are attached to tags. These properties can be stored in the Historian along with the tags and the data or in an external database. The following article explains how to delete properties that are stored in the Historian, not in an external database.

Properties can be deleted for a single tag or for every tag in the DataSet.

Deleting a Property for a Single Tag

  1. Open the Historian tile in the Canary Admin and navigate to the tag in the last file of the DataSet.
  2. Select the tag from the TAGS list whose property you want to delete.
  3. With the tag selected, click the yellow down-arrow in the PROPERTIES menu and select DELETE PROPERTY.

  4. A new menu will appear allowing the user to type in the name of the property they wish to delete. The property name is case-sensitive.

  5. Click ok. A confirmation screen will appear letting the user know if the deletion was successful.

    A property cannot be deleted if the tag is being actively logged to.

Deleting a Property for All Tags in a DataSet

  1. Open the Historian tile in the Canary Admin and select the DataSet of which you want to delete a property from.
  2. With the DataSet highlighted, click the yellow drop-down arrow in the DATASET menu and select DELETE PROPERTY.

  3. A new menu will appear allowing the user to type in the name of the property they wish to delete. The property name is case-sensitive.

  4. Click ok. A confirmation screen will appear letting the user know if the deletion was successful.

    A property cannot be deleted if the tags are being actively logged to.

2 replies

    • brandonmcmahon
    • 5 days ago
    • Reported - view

    It only deleted property of the tags in current .hdb3 file (<Dataset name> 20250208 00.hdb3). These are SQL Collector tags. I had disabled the service before deleting. Is there a wat for historical property to be removed? 

    • smason
    • 3 days ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi ,

    Canary does not support the concept of historical property values. It will only return the most current property value which would need to reside in the latest file of the DataSet. So when deleting a property, it does not go back and delete it out of historical files, only the most current one.