Upgrading Canary Software (version 25)

Are you upgrading from a pre-24 version? Please see Breaking Changes in v24 before upgrading.

In general, upgrading Canary software is as simple as installing over top of the previous version*. Canary services do not need stopped prior to upgrading as the installer will stop and start these during the installation process. Please contact support@canarylabs.com or your Canary representative if you need the installer. The latest release may also be requested by visiting https://info.canarylabs.com/upgrade.

*If updating from a beta version to an official release that have the same versioning number (e.g. to an uninstall is required prior to installing the latest.

If the system contains multiple Canary servers, it is recommended to first update Historian servers followed by Collector and/or Client servers. Although it is recommended to have all servers on the same release version, Collectors running on older versions will still be able to connect and send data until they are ready to be updated.

It is recommended to run the install as an administrator. When the install window appears, select Custom Install. The user should see all of the components that are currently installed with a checkmark next to them. If no changes are needed, simply navigate through the screens by clicking Next then Install.

The window will display a Success message when finished. If the install is unsuccessful, a CanaryInstall.log will be generated which can be sent to support@canarylabs.com for further analysis.

During the install process, all configuration, licensing, and historical data is maintained.

Data loss should only occur when updating a server that hosts a Collector service as it will be temporarily disabled during the upgrade process. If the Collector is remote from the Historian, data loss should not occur when updating the Historian as the Collector server can buffer data in the Store and Forward service until the Historian comes back online.

Check to make sure your license is compatible with the new version prior to installing! The Max Version Year indicates what version the license is compatible with. For example, if the Max Version Year is 2025, the license is good for any version that is 25.x.x.xxxxx or older.

If the license does not support the version you are attempting to install, a warning will be thrown indicating such and render the system virtually unusable. Contact your Canary representative or support@canarylabs.com if needing to update your license.

See Versioning and License Compatibility for more details.

