Changing Canary Server Names (version 25)

Canary uses the server name for some of its processes and how its services communicate with each other. Therein, downtime can occur whenever a server name is changed. Below are items that must be updated whenever a name change occurs.

Historian Server Name Change


The Views service must be updated to find the new local Historian view.

  • C:\ProgramData\Canary\Views\views.service.json - update the Endpoint and Name to match the new server name. Restart Views.


Wherever the Axiom Core is installed (typically, it is local to the Historian), charts and applications must be updated to use the new Historian name if using the Local Historian view for their SourceTags.

  • C:\ProgramData\Canary\Axiom\Files\[subfolders]

    We recommend using Notepad++ to do a Find/Replace across an entire directory.


Any remote Collector must be updated with the new Historian server name so that data can be logged. Data being sent to the old server name will buffer in the Store and Forward (SaF) service.


Identity and/or License Server Name Change

Typically, the Identity and License services are installed local to the Historian. So if the Historian server name is changed, this will affect any Canary server that must connect to these services.

Identity/License Endpoint

Each Canary server must be updated to use the new Identity and/or License endpoint.

  • C:\ProgramData\Canary\Node\node.json - update IdentityClientEndpointAPI, IdentityClientEndpointOIDC, and LicenseClientEndpoint to use the new server name. Restart ALL services after making changes.

Axiom Server Name Change

If the server name hosting the Axiom Core is changed (typically, it is the same server as the Historian), the following files must be updated:

  • On the server where the Identity service is hosted, C:\ProgramData\Canary\Identity\identity.service.json - update the Axiom RedirectUri to the new server name

