Next Release - V24.1
Roadmap & Releases / Roadmap
- Grids will have the option to find the sum, average, min, or max of a column
Trend Graphs embedded in an application can be set to a specific asset type
Trend Graphs will have an alternative form of drawing useful for displaying digital states or modes
- Users can combine the Sum and DurationSinceDateTime functions to find an accumulating sum from a given point in time forward.
Sum('[localhost.DataSet.Tag]', DurationSinceDateTime('2024-10-1'))
- The Admin client includes a diagnostic tool that scans historian files and system metrics for troubleshooting purposes
5 replies
I like the digital state graphics on trend charts. That is a very useful feature.
Hi, can you provide an ETA for 24.1 !?
Looks nice! Is it possible to set degree of transparency on the color of the state, such that one can overlay the state on all the other bands?