How to License the Canary System (version 24)

  • updated 2 mths ago

The following products require licensing within the Canary system:

  • Historian
  • Axiom
  • Views
  • ODBC

Historian Licensing

The Historian is licensed for a set number of tags or an unlimited amount. The tag count is determined by the number of tags within the last file of each DataSet. This is also how Canary determines which tags are available to be queried by the end user.

Tag licenses are consumed by tags being logged into the Historian from various Canary Collectors or by the Calculation service. Virtual Views do not consume a tag license.

A tag's license can be revoked by modifying the Collector's tag list or by obsoleting them using the Canary Admin. (See Removing Tags from the Total License Count for more details.)


Axiom comes with unlimited clients.


The Views license includes 25 Read API clients and unlimited Excel Add-In clients. If the Canary architecture requires there to be multiple Views services within a single network, each Views services will need its own license. This may be the case if wanting to offload services onto other servers for a better user experience.

For example, the user may install Axiom and Views on a separate server apart from the historian. The historian server will have its own Views service. Both  Views services will need a license to connect to the historian.


Only the ODBC server requires a license. The ODBC client does not require a license and can be deployed as many times as needed.

  1. Open the Canary Admin application where the License service resides and select the Licenses tile.
  2. Find the ADD LICENSE THROUGH INTERNET section on the right side of the screen.
  3. Enter the required information including the Serial Number provided by your Canary representative.
  4. Check the box for each purchased product of the Canary System.
    • Canary Axiom
    • Canary Historian
    • Canary Historian ODBC
    • Canary Views (Includes API and Excel Add-In clients if available)
  5. Select GET LICENSE. This will pull exactly 1 license for each product selected.

In the scenario where there is 1 License service for multiple servers (see diagram below), the user can repeat Steps 5 and 6 until all licenses have been pulled for ALL servers.

  1. Open the Canary Admin application where the License service resides and copy the License Code from the ADD LICENSE MANUALLY window. This code is dynamic and will change each time a license is pulled.
  2. On a device connected to the Internet, navigate to canarylabs.com/support and select the LICENSING INFO tab.
  3. Enter the required information including the Serial Number provided by your Canary representative, the License Code, the product you wish to license (you can only license one product at a time), and the quantity. Select Submit.
  4. A license key appears. Enter the License Key information in the License Key field.
  5. Select Accept Key. The Canary product is now licensed.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 if licensing multiple products. Remember, the License Code changes each time a license is pulled.
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