How to Add a Remote Historian View (version 24)

  • updated 4 mths ago

In most Canary deployments the Views service is installed locally to the Historian service. There are some instances though (mostly with larger deployments) where it may be beneficial to install a Views service that is separate from the Historian. This may be to offload some other Canary services such as Calculations & Events or Axiom. In that case, the Views service is installed on a separate server along with the other Canary service (i.e. Axiom) and reaches out to a remote Historian. In this way, another instance of the Historian is not needed just to run Axiom on a separate server.


  1. Create an API token within the Identity service and link it to a Canary user. This could be a Canary user that already exists or you may create one for this specific purpose.
  2. Add the linked Canary user to the Historian Access ACL within the Identity tile>Security>Access Control Lists screen.

  3. Open the Canary Admin client on the Views server and navigate to Views tile>Configuration>Settings. Paste the token created in Step 1 into the 'Identity API Token' field.

  4. Select the Historians tab.

  5. Click the 'ADD' button and provide a 'Historian name' and 'Historian server address'. The Historian name can be whatever the user specifies. The Historian server address must be the actual server name or IP address.  
  6. Once added, a new 'Remote Historian' view should appear in the Views tile.
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