Views Service Overview (version 24)

  • updated 4 mths ago

The Canary Views Service is available to both Canary applications and third-party applications to interact with the data stored in a single or multiple Canary Historian archive. The Canary Views service is primarily used to read data from the Historian.

The functionality of a single endpoint to service client requests for data stored within the Canary System consolidates all data streams and simplifies system administration. 

As you can see from the architecture below, Views connects the Canary Historian to the Calc & Events service, Axiom Core, Publisher, ODBC server, Excel Add-in, as well as a public facing Web API.

Connectivity to the Views service follows these steps:

  1. Client data requests are made to the Views Service
  2. Canary Historian DataSet HDB (historian database) files are read and requested before data is provided to Views
  3. Views performs all necessary aggregation or processing of the data based on the client's request
  4. gRPC services encrypt and transport data packets from Views to client


Beyond serving as gatekeeper for client activity, Views plays a significant role in the contextualization of data.  This is accomplished by:

  • Adding tag metadata not collected during data logging
  • Creating multiple virtualized views of the Historian archive
  • Organizing tags into asset models with defined asset types
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