MQTT Collector - Error while connecting to broker and logging node data

Trying to connect to an EMQX broker using TCP with SSL enabled. The reconnect interval is 1 minute, followed by Keep Alive 30.
The connection group made with the MQTT Collector in the Canary Admin is configured not to be the Primary Application, using the SparkplugB 2.2 protocol.
Automatically log all tags disabled.

Initially, the tag logging was a success, with 105 tags from Node1 being logged. Upon adding Node2 with 204 tags, the dataset logging was also successful, with a total of 309 tags being logged.

After some adjustments to the data published to the broker, there was an issue with the Node2 connection (logs attached in pdf). The log messages were five consecutively:

  • Received device birth
  • Metadata received but unsupported
  • Received node control metric 'Node Control/ Next Server' with value 'false'
  • Received node control metric 'Node Control/ Rebirth' with value 'false'
  • Received node birth
  • Received device birth (repeats cycle)

After this, logging of Node2 was no longer performed.

Despite these efforts, the issue persists. The machine with the services were restarted, the old connection group in the MQTT Collector was deleted, and a new one with the same properties was created. However, even with these steps, a connection to the broker cannot be established. This situation underscores the need for further investigation and resolution.


Thanks in advance. I'm waiting for your response.

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