How to Rename Tags in a DataSet (version 25)
Knowledge Base / Version 25 / System Admin Duties / Canary Historian
Bulk Tag Rename
To rename tags within a DataSet, follow these steps:
- Create a CSV file with two columns: Column 1 containing the old tag name, and Column 2 containing the new tag name. (*Note: Tag names should NOT be prepended with the DataSet name.)
- Open the Canary Admin, navigate to the Historian tile, open the appropriate DataSet, and select a daily file.
- Click the yellow down-arrow in the bottom left 'FILE' menu and select 'RENAME TAGS'.
- Select which files the tags are to be renamed in. There are four options:
- 'Entire dataset'
- 'This file only'
- 'This file and older'
- 'This file and newer'
- Browse for the CSV file created in Step 1 then click 'ok'.
A 'RESULTS' window will appear confirming whether or not the tags were successfully renamed. If they were not renamed successfully, an Errors.txt file will be generated.
Tags cannot be renamed to a tag name that already exists in the file. Tag names must be unique.
Tags cannot be renamed if they are being actively logged or accessed.
Individual Tag Rename
To rename an individual tag within a DataSet, follow these steps:
- Open the Canary Admin, navigate to the Historian tile, open the appropriate DataSet, and open a daily file.
- Select the tag to be renamed from the 'TAGS' list.
- Click the yellow down-arrow in the 'PROPERTIES' menu and select 'RENAME'.
- Provide the new tag name and select which files within the DataSet to change it in. There are 4 options:
- 'Entire dataset'
- 'This file only'
- 'This file and older'
- 'This file and newer'
- Click 'ok'. A window will appear confirming whether or not the rename was successful.