Calc & Events Settings Screen (version 22)

Service Settings

  • Delayed Start Time (seconds) - a general delay from when the service starts until calculations/events are evaluated
  • Destination Historians - a comma delimited list of historian machine names where calculations will be written to
  • AssetInstanceCount Read Interval (seconds) - the frequency at which the service evaluates the total number of all asset instances for each asset type to be used in the 'AssetInstanceCount' function
  • Property Read Interval (minutes) - the frequency at which the service evaluates the properties of each tag to be used in the 'Property' function 
  • Check for New Assets Interval (minutes) - the frequency at which the service checks for new assets that have come online
  • Views Service Reconnect Delay (seconds) - the frequency at which the Calculation service tries to reconnect to the Views service after a disconnect
  • Max backfilling calculations - a throttling mechanism used to limit the max number of calculations that are permitted to backfill simultaneously

Events Database Settings

  • Provider - the method for storing the Events database
    1. SQLite - by default, events will be stored in C:\ProgramData\Canary\Events\CanaryEvents.sqlite
    2. SQL Server - events will be stored in a SQL database determined by the remaining parameters
  • Server - the machine name of the SQL server that will store the events
  • Name - the name of the database in which the events table will be created
  • User/Password - the credentials used to authenticate and write to the SQL database
  • Is Domain User - determines if the configured user is a domain user

