Symbol Control (version 25)
Properties *Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script AggregateInterval - the amount of time within each interval over which the data is processed using an AggregateKind (e.g.…
How To Import Custom Symbols (version 25)
Although a custom image can be embedded into an Axiom application using the Image control, a Symbol is more useful in that it can be linked to a SourceTag whereupon limits can be applied to change…
Text Box Control (version 25)
The Text Box control is used to trigger a script to run whenever a text change is made. As it requires scripting, this control is only available to admin users when creating applications.…
Trend Graph Control (version 25)
When embedding a Trend Graph control into an application, the user will have the option to Add trends or import a chart that was previously created. If importing a chart,…
Value Box Control (version 25)
Properties *Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script AggregateInterval - the amount of time within each interval over which the data is processed using an AggregateKind (e.g.…
Value Box Formatting Options (version 25)
The Value Box control can be configured to display the Value, Timestamp, or Quality of tag by using the ValueFormat property. Parameters are formatted using C#'s string.Format() method.…
How Often Does a ValueBox/Gauge Update? (version 25)
By default, a ValueBox (or Gauge) is set to display the most recent value in the Historian, so that when the value updates the ValueBox updates along with it.…
How To Display a Tag's Property in a ValueBox (version 25)
Instead of displaying a tag's value, timestamp, or quality in a ValueBox, the user may wish to display a property of the tag in the ValueBox. To do this,…
How To Build Ad Hoc Calculations (version 25)
The following controls have the option of linking their source to a tag or a calculation: Circular Gauge Donut Gauge Line Linear Gauge Panel Symbol Value Box When dropping the control onto the screen…
Application URL Parameters (version 25)
The following URL parameters can be passed in to create links for applications: Application AssetInstance ScreenName InactiveTimeout Mode ProviderName apiToken Application The application parameter…
Application Shortcuts (version 25)
Copy/Paste Controls and screens can be copied (Ctrl+C) and pasted (Ctrl+V) from one application to another. Undo/Redo The back and forward arrow at the top of the application screen are used to undo…