Support for Array Tags

In many cases it would be extremely beneficial to monitor and manipulate array tags.  Specifically an array tag with a continuous set of process data.  In our previous historian we had multiple 200 element arrays that updates at a single point in time we used for process monitoring.  setting up 200 individual elements not only uses extra tags but also makes synchronizing data extremely difficult.

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  • unfortunately, I would like to also find a way to 'deconstruct' the elements of an array.  Working with vendor to make even simple 30 element arrays to individual tags is proving to be difficult.

    interested in options.

      • tlachacd
      • tlachacd
      • 12 days ago
      • Reported - view

      todd. frahm what collector are you using?  if you are using Kepware/OPC than you can typically access a single element of an array using the { } brackets.  I have the reverse problem.  I want Canary to log the array as a whole.

  • We do have a Kepware OPC reading the PLCs for this equipment, but there are also Ignition connections through their OPC.UA drivers trying to do the same thing. Working on settling on one or the other. Looking at setting up a test environment using Kepware OPC and subscriptions, so we don't have to worry about timing.

    A lot of new terms to learn with the historian work.  I think we are looking at the publishing and queue size right now to help us alleviate getting everything sync'd exactly.

    Thank you for the heads up on the { } referencing too!


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