Specifying timestamp in MQTT payload
I have an MQTT SpB payload coming in from HighByte where one of the fields is a "Date & Time". Is there a way to have Canary take this value as the timestamp and not the value of the timestamp associated of when the data was published into the broker? i.e. the sample was run at 9:45 on the piece of equipment but the data might not be published into the broker until several minutes or hours later.
1 reply
Hi chris. demers ,
In SparkplugB there's a message timestamp (when the message was sent) as well as a timestamp field for each metric value. We use the metric value timestamp as a default. If the metric timestamp doesn't exist, then we use the message timestamp for flexibility. Although your screenshot doesn't resemble the SparkplugB payload. This looks like a JSON payload which we can also potentially consume. Therein, you can specify timestamp field as well.