Ignition Module - Querying string tags


I don't know if the problem lies with Ignition or the Canary Ignition module, but I'm having problems querying tags that are strings from Ignition. Floats and integers are working fine: 

endTime = system.date.now()

startTime = system.date.addDays(endTime, -3)

dataSet = system.tag.queryTagHistory(paths=[pathtostringtag],, startDate=startTime, endDate=endTime, returnSize=-1, returnFormat='Wide')

This returns an array with two columns and zero rows, even if it should return approx 10 rows. 

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  • Hi jon. forbord

    Currently, the module does not support the querying of string tags. Are you looking to display the raw string data in a table? Just wondering what your use case is if we want to add support for it.

  • Hi Steve Mason ! I'm looking to use the raw string tag events and timestamps for tables and scripting in Ignition. Comparing process data from similar workorders from different machines at different times, as one example. 

    • srieger
    • srieger
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello! Was this feature ever implemented?

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  • Status Fixed
  • 10 mths agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 261Views
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