Representing Stagnant Data Streams

We have a couple boolean tags in our historian that do not log any values unless it changes to a new value. Some tags haven't changed their value in a long time so when ever they are trended on axiom or looked at in their respective view it shows no data. I am aware there are aggregate kinds that can resolve the trending issue but is there any solution for the actual historized data?

1 reply

    • smason
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi nicolas

    If the tag is being actively logged, the Historian will time-extend the last value about once per minute even if the value isn't changing. There has been a bug fix since your version that addressed an issue where Axiom would not display stagnant Boolean tags properly. That may be what you are seeing. I recommend upgrading to see if that resolves your issue. We are about to release 24.0.1.. With version 24, there have been some major changes. I would read this prior to upgrading: https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/m1ymdt6/breaking-changes-in-v24

    If you don't want to go to v24 just yet, we can give you v23.2.1 which is similar to what you are already using. You can send an email to support@canarylabs.com and request which version you would like to download. Please provide your serial number as we will have to verify if you are eligible to receive newer releases.

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  • 7 mths agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 31Views
  • 2 Following