Edit Trends Menu (version 25)

The EDIT TRENDS menu can be accessed by clicking the "pen" icon on the toolbar at the top or by right-clicking anywhere on the chart space once a tag has been loaded. 

When opening the EDIT TRENDS menu, the user will be presented with the trends on the left-hand side of the menu and the properties of those trends on the right. To edit a trend's properties, simply check the box next to the trend then modify the properties as needed. Multiple trends can be selected at once.

  1. Add trends
  2. Add or edit calculated trends
  3. Remove selected trends
  4. Rearrange order of trends

Calculate Trend Menu

Selecting the "Add or edit calculated trends" button will open the CALCULATE TREND menu where users can create ad hoc calculations using the trends that exist on the chart. Users must provide a Display Name for the calculated trend then create an expression using the available functions and tags. There are three modes to choose from: Numbers, Functions, and Tags. (The Tags mode is displayed in the screenshot above.) Users can click to add tags and functions as needed. Below is a description and example of each available function.

Function Description Example
Abs Returns the absolute value of a specified number. Abs(-3) = 3
Acos Returns the arccosine of a specified number. Acos(1) = 0
Asin Returns the arcsine of a specified number. Asin(0) = 1
Atan Returns the arctangent of a specified number. Atan(0) = 0
Ceil Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number. Ceiling(10.2) = 11
Cos Returns the cosine of a specified number. Cos(0) = 1
Exp Returns the natural exponential function raised to a specified number. Exp(1) = e^1 = 2.718…
Flbk Returns a specified value wherever there is no data for the trend provided. Fallback([Vibration],0)
Flr Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number. Floor(10.2) = 10
If Returns a value based on a conditional statement, depending if that statement is true or false. If(1+1 = 2, True, False) = True
LogX Returns the exponent to which the specified base produces a specified number. Log(9,3) = 2
Log Returns the exponent which produces a specified number using base 10. Log10(1000) = 3
Max Returns the greater of two values. Max(1, 2) = 2
Min Returns the least of two values. Min(1, 2) = 1
Pow Returns a number raised to the specified power. Pow(3,2) = 9
Rnd Returns a value rounded to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places. Round(3.157,2) = 3.16
Sin Returns the sine of a specified number. Sin(0) = 0
Sqrt Returns the square root of a specified number. Sqrt(9) = 3
Tan Returns the tangent of a specified number. Tan(0) = 0
Trnc Returns the integral part of a number. Truncate(-8.14) = -8


'!NODATA!' can be used to report a hole in the data. In the screenshot above, the [Vibration] trend is drawn whenever the [State] tag is equal to 1. Otherwise, nothing is drawn, leaving a gap in the trend.

Trend Properties


  • Trend - a trend line is drawn using the tag's data. The scale is determined by the data that falls into the time duration set at the bottom of the chart. This is the default drawing mode and is useful for most numeric tags, especially analog values.
  • State - the entire trend band is colored in based upon the value of the tag. This is appropriate when using digital or string tags.


  • Display Name - the name that appears on the chart and in the legend. This can be edited. Tag names must be unique within the chart. If a duplicate tag is added to the chart, a (1) will be appended to it.
  • Color - the color of the trend
  • Line Thickness - the thickness of the trend
  • Time Shift - used to shift the trend forwards or backwards in time by a set number of days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds
  • Aggregate Kind - the aggregate used to process the data when it is drawn. The default aggregate is TimeAverage2 unless the datatype is Boolean or String, in which case, it is StartBound.
  • Aggregate Interval - specifies the time duration for each block of processed data drawn on the chart

A trend using the TimeAverage2 aggregate and an Aggregate Interval of 1 minute will return a time-weighted average for every minute on the chart.

  • Show Trend - turns the trend's visibility on/off
  • Show Grid Lines - turns a trend's horizontal grid lines on/off
  • Show Float Label - turns a trend's Float Label on/off


The DRAWING STATES section is only visible when the "State" drawing method is selected.

  • Value - value to compare. The user can add as many values as needed.
  • Color - colored used to color in the trend band when the tag matches the corresponding value
  • Description - text that is displayed whenever the cursor hovers over the set value. If no description is provided, the cursor will display the original tag value.

If the tag does not match any of the provided value comparisons it will be left transparent on the chart. The band will be outlined in the color set from the GENERAL section. If no outline is wanted, the "Line Thickness" property can be set to 0. (See the [State] and [Reset Bit] tags below.)


  • Scale Range - the range to be used for the min/max values
    • Auto - the min/max scale is automatically determined based on the values of the trend within the chart
    • Auto Min - the min scale is automatically determined, but the max scale is manually set
    • Auto Max - the max scale is automatically determined, but the min scale is manually set
    • Default - uses the High and Low Scale properties of the tag stored in the historian if they exist
    • Manual - the min/max scale are both manually set
    • [TrendName] - uses the same scale of the trend selected

These settings can also be found by right-clicking on the scales themselves when on the chart screen.

  • Max Value - used to manually set the max scale value
  • Min Value - used to manually set the min scale value
  • Show Left Scale - turns the trend's left scale on/off
  • Show Right Scale - turns the trend's right scale on/off
  • Use Logarithmic Scale - uses a logarithmic scale instead of a linear scale


  • Band Range - the vertical space given to each trend
    • Auto - trends are given equal vertical space on the chart
    • Full - trends use the entire vertical space on the chart
    • Manual - bands are manually set with Band Start and Band Height
    • [TrendName] - the trend will share the same vertical space as the trend selected
  • Band Start (0-100) - a percentage indicating the starting position of the scale within the chart, 0 being the top of the chart and 100 the bottom

    For an easier alternative for adjusting Band Start , click-and-drag the scales themselves when on the chart screen.

  • Band Height (0-100) - a percentage indicating the vertical height of the scale

    For an easier alternative for adjusting Band Height, click-and-drag the the edge of the scales when on the chart screen. When the cursor hovers over the top or bottom edge of a scale, the cursor will change to allow you shrink or expand the band height.


  • Number Format - the number of digits displayed on the cursor value
    • Decimal - specifies how many decimal places should be displayed
    • General - specifies how many significant digits should be displayed
    • Scientific - the cursor value and scale are displayed in scientific notation
  • Digits - used in conjunction with 'Number Format' to determine how many digits are to be displayed


  • Fixed - sets a fixed high limit on the trend based on the 'Value' set
  • Variable - sets a variable high limit on the trend based on the 'Trend' selected
  • Change Color - changes the color of the trend when it exceeds the high limit
  • Fill Area - fills in the area underneath the trend when it exceeds the high limit                                                                                               (Fixed Example)


  • Fixed - sets a fixed low limit on the trend based on the 'Value' set
  • Variable - sets a variable low limit on the trend based on the 'Trend' selected
  • Change Color - changes the color of the trend when it exceeds the low limit
  • Fill Area - fills in the area above the trend when it exceeds the low limit                                                                                   (Variable Example)


These are static horizontal lines that are drawn on the chart.

  • Show Outside of Band Range - when enabled, the static line will still appear on the chart even if it falls outside of the trend's scale range
  • Value - the value at which the horizontal line should be drawn
  • Style - solid, dashed, or dotted
  • Color - the color of the limit line

