Disappearing Trend Line

Hey guys,

We set Canary up for a customer this week, and we noticed on a handful of tags we were trending, the trend line would disappear and then come back, any idea why this would happen?

The tags in question had live data in our other Axiom pages/Logger, and the Historian in Admin did not note bad quality. So it seemed like it was reading the tags fine, just on the trend page the trend line would disappear and then come back - would disappear for a second or two, and then come back for a few seconds, and then disappear again, etc, repeatedly.

Any idea what would be causing this and/or how to fix?


2 replies

    • smason
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi jrbertha ,

    This may be data driven in that Axiom is trying to find the best scale to display the data. By default, it is set to autoscale. If it needs to adjust the scale, it redraws the trend. Can you try manually setting the scale for those tags and see if that prevents the trend from flickering in and out? You can set the scale by right-clicking on the scale itself.

      • jrbertha
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Steve Mason I'll relay the information but when we set it up we did change the scaling from "Autoscale" to "Default/Manuel" (we had put scaling into the tags in the logger before setting up Axiom)

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