Limits on a Bar Chart

Add controls to show limits on a bar chart.  The bar will change colors based on whether its above or below the limit(s).  For instance, say I have a target of 50 widgets per hour.  The high limit will be 50.  The low limit will be 50*80%.  The bar will be red below the low limit, yellow above the low and below the high, green above the high.  Include the ability to attach a tag to the limit and perform a value transform on the limits.

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  • Thanks for getting started on this!  While your working on the Limit request please consider adding a check box to show the value of the bar with the option to show the value on top, in the middle, or at the bottom of the bar.  Basically make the bar function like a linear gauge set to cutaway mode with the addition of a value box.

  • Currently, you can add a limit line to a bar chart. That limit line can be static or linked to another SourceTag.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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