Applications, dashboards, reports..
What are the differences between applications, dashboards, and reports? How are collections of the above organized and exposed to end users? URLs? A menu or navigator, etc?
1 reply
Hi rick. honsberger
We use applications and dashboards interchangeably. They could be referred to as reports, but we use that term to refer to our Automated Reports that can configured within Axiom. A report for us is a snapshot of an application (or dashboard) taken at a specific time then sent to an end user via email. Here are two articles that you can browse through to learn more about Automated Reports:
2. How To Create an Automated Report
Axiom itself is accessed using a web browser (excluding IE) by typing in the machine name or IP address of the Canary server where the Axiom Core is installed. It does not require any installation on the client machine. By default, the Axiom service listens on 2 ports for an anonymous connection (80) or a secure connection (443) prompting users to authenticate. For example, in most cases, the Axiom Core is installed on the same server as the Canary Historian so a user may use http://canaryServerMachineName to connect to Axiom where they can then create applications or charts.