CSV Collector processes relative path to C:\System32

For the CSV collector, you have to create a SAF_Import.config for each folder you want to process. One of the parameters is ProcessedDirectory. In the example, there is an absolute path configured (C:\CSV Import\Processed). Absolute paths are less than ideal, if you move any of the parent folders, you have to remember to update the parameter, even if the relative path from the csv to the processed folder has not changed. If you attempt to set the parameter to a relative path, it ends up creating the folder in C:\System32 (it took me a while to find it). It would be nice if relative paths were interperted in light of the location of SAF_Import.config. For instance, if SAF_Import.config is in D:\CsvCollector\Backfill, and ProcessedDirectory is Processed. Then the processed files should be moved to D:\CsvCollector\Backfill\Processed.

In lieu of supporting relative paths, can we update the documentation to indicate that paths must be absolute?

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