Filtering on View
Lets say I have a view with two different types of compressor Type1 and type2.. Type1 sends 5tags and type2 sends 6tags.. How can I create a new view with that has only type2... The tag name or tag property does not have any thing that can say type2... Is there any way I can filter... if this asset is send X-tag then I want that asset in my view
Hi adand ,
You could manually add a property to the tags that apply to the Type2 compressors then pass that property into the view you create. Here is a method for manually importing properties for specific tags.
If you pass properties into a view, they are appended at the end of the tag name using "##", such as View.Branch1.Branch2.TagName##propertyValue. If a tag does not have that property, it is appended with "##NA". You could make a rule to exclude anything that ends with "##NA", such as ##NA$.