Set Endpoint (version 24)

  • updated 3 mths ago

The Set Endpoint function allows the user to choose which Historian to connect to as well as the time zone in which to present data. The endpoint must be set before any requests can be made. Once configured though, the user should not need to change it unless needing to connect to a different Historian server or change the time zone.

  • Historian - the machine name or IP address of the Historian server the user wishes to connect to. (If the Historian service is remote from the Views service, the user will want to use the Views machine name instead, as all data requests are routed through the Views service. This type of architecture is rare.)
  • Type - Https
  • Port - 55321
  • Time Zone - the time zone in which to return and present data in. Defaults to the client's local time zone.
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