Changing a portion of a Source tag

I'd love to see a way to change a portion of a source tag, similar to the Ctrl H function in MS Word. Type the portion of a tag you'd like to change for the selected box/gauge, and enter what you'd like the word to be changed to. 

For example, changing a "WEEKLY_TGT" portion of a tag to "MONTHLY_TGT".

The ability to do this to multiple value boxes at a time would be beneficial and make it easier to replicate tables while changing the time frame of a value.

This may have been suggested already, if so, I apologize for duplicating requests.

1 reply

    • smason
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi chaz. litchfield ,

    Thanks for the feedback! You can update a portion of a tag by editing the 'SourceTag' property, but it would only work for one tag at a time. If you wanted to change other properties of multiple controls at once, we do support the Ctrl+Click functionality to select multiple controls. You can also hold Ctrl then click-and-drag to select multiple controls. Once selected, any properties that all of the controls have in common can be edited at once.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
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