Calculations - Partial Backfilling Removes Data Before Backfill Date
When backfilling a calculation to a specific date, any data before that data is removed. I would expect that data before the date is retained and any data on or after the date would be changed.…
Calculations - DeltaTotalCount Cannot Exceed Limits of Source DataType
When using the DeltaTotalCount function, it seems like it can't return a value that exceeds the maximum value of the source tag datatype. For example, if a tag is being recorded as a UI2 datatype…
Customize Event Email Subject
We really like being able to customize the body of an event email, but especially when it's being sent to a text number like 5553334444@vtext.com the email subject can be quite long,…
Create Password Visibility Toggle Button
It would be helpful for users entering their password into the login page of Axiom to be able to view their password before logging in. On some browsers and devices,…
Configurable Axiom Report Timeout
Right now, the maximum amount of time allowed for an Axiom report to load is 2 minutes. If it takes longer than 2 minutes to load, we receive an error message, and the report does not send.…
Test Event Email Button
When creating an event, it would be nice if you could send a test email to ensure the subject looks right and the recipients are set up correctly. Adding a Send Test Email button next to the Edit…
Change Direction of NavigateSource List To Maintain Visibility
Right now, if you create a Button control and want to set the NavigateSource to another screen within the Application, the list of screens gets cut off if there are more than a few to choose from,…
- Released
Remember Scroll Position in Screen Tab Scroll Bar
Right now, if you have more screen tabs than can be shown along the top of an Axiom Application, there is a scroll bar to let you scroll to more screen tabs to the right.…
- Released
Data Generation Tool: Playback of HDB2 files
The current Data Generation Tool is good for creating test data, but it would be nice if you already have a dataset you would like to use, to be able to play back the data stored in the HDB2 files…
Re: Upgrading to >= V22.3.2 from V22.3.0 or V22.3.1 can potentially flood users' inboxes with previously orphaned Axiom reports
Another option instead of deleting the old reports is to migrate them manually and set the PREV_FIRE_TIME to the value of DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks. That way, they won't try to backfill any old reports.…