Timezone issue


I collect data from several countries around the world. My problem is that the data is displayed with the time I live in and not with the time the event actually occurred.

Do you know how I can display datas with the right timestamp?


Thank you


Thomas Ragon

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  • Hi Thomas, 

    You can go to the upper right corner, click your username > Preferences > Time Zone


  • Hi ! 

    Thank you for your reply.  I would like to display on the same graph several trends with their own time zone. 

    - Data from France is displayed in the French time zone. 
    - Data from Canadian is displayed with Canadian time zone.

    • thomas. ragon 

      Unfortunately, Axiom does not have this capability. The setting that laruer mentioned is a global one. It is per user, not per tag or chart.

      You can shift a trend backwards or forwards through the Edit Trends menu. Not sure if this would be useful for you or not.

    • thomas.  Probably the most fool-proof way is to view globally in UTC. That way you are not dealing with the various time offsets, which become even more difficult to deal with when you factor in time offset changes for daylight savings time. 

  • Thank you all for your prompt replies

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