Get All Child Events in Axiom
Hello Everyone I need to retrieve all the events of an asset in Axiom, specifically for the child assets. I mean, I have Parent01, Parent02, etc., and for each ParentXX I have 10 child assets,…
ODBC without data on "data" table
Hi everyone, I'm trying to query from an ODBC client and I can only see data from the "aggregates" and "views" tables. When I try with the "data" table, the results are always empty.…
Data Compression
Hi Everyone, I have some data showing that during the night, the hourly scheduled calculations give me a result of zero. When I check the data the next day,…
Min Duration in Event with 3 Conditions
Hello everyone, I have an event that I need to create which must meet three conditions for at least 5 minutes: The first is that the data quality of variable A is Good.…
Parent-Child Assets and Calculations
Hi Everyone, I need to understand how to create rules for parent-child relationships between assets. I can't find any useful examples in the documentation, forums, or on YouTube.…
- Answered
Data Discarded from Buffer
Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the buffer's handling of discarded data. Some time ago, the hard disk capacity of the Historian server (Receiver) reached its limit,…
Interpolated Bounding Values using SteppedInterpolation
Hi Everyone I know that Canary can do Simple Bounding and Interpolated Bounding when it's aggregate some time series. I supuse that it use SlopedInterpolation method (described by the OPC Foundation…
Browsing tags for getTagData
Hi everyone. On API's docs, in the getTagData parameter "tags", says: "Tags may be passed in directly or thru browsing by supplying the path, deep and search parameters" How can I supply the browsing…
Change Timestamp in Calculation
Hello Everyone. I would like to do some aggregation hour by hour (using ResettingAnchoredInterval and DeltaBounds) from a totalizer tag (an energy totalizer in MWh).…
Download Axiom Desktop for Offline Installation
Hi I'm new in Canary and I would like to install Axiom Desktop in a server without internet access. Where can I download de Axiom_Setup.exe for manual installation?