val l
Axiom highlight area - Delta,Avg,Min,Max
Make a way so we can highlight an area and get the average, min, and max of it. (Just like getting the Delta of an area)
Dynamic ScaleMax/ScaleMin
Is it possible to input a number or add a tag for the ScaleMax like the limit? The reason behind this is that the scale will be able to change without changing it dynamically.…
ScaleMax/ScaleMin Dynamic
In the near future, can the ScaleMax/ScaleMin equal a tag/channel? I want it to be able to input a number or add a tag…like the limits. The reason behind this is the scale will be able to…
- In review
Event Description
Is there a way to get the description, start Trigger, and end Trigger of the event added to the email? It does give the source which is good. The current event doesn't give much insight into what is…
- Released
Event Description
Is there a way to get the description of the event added to the email? It will be very helpful.
- Released
Switching Tags in Axiom Based on Condition
Will there be a chance to reference 2 or more tags in Axiom? Being able to use logical formulas such 'IF statement' would be helpful. Referring to the 'ValueTransform'.
- In review
Duplicate Events
Is it possible to create one event and duplicate it amongst other asset models?
- Answered
Switching Tags in Axiom Based on Condition
For future development, will there be a chance to reference 2 or more tags in Axiom? Being able to use logical formulas such 'IF statement' would be helpful.
- Answered