ReadAPI Multiple Aggregate Methods & Return Format

I’m wondering if the getTagData2 API method can return a list of tags over the same time interval but with different aggregate methods. Axiom seems to handle this, so I assume it's using the API under the hood—unless it's calling each trend separately.

Also, is there a way for the API to return data in CSV format directly? I know we can convert it ourselves, but I wanted to check if I missed something in the documentation.

3 replies

    • smason
    • 8 days ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi ,

    The API does not have the ability to request different aggregates through a single call. It would need to be a separate call per aggregate.

    The payload is a JSON format which you would need to convert to a CSV. There are few powershell examples here that output a csv file (https://github.com/CanaryLabs/SampleCode/blob/master/Samples/V23/Data%20Retrieval/Powershell/ExportToCSV.ps1) but these are from v23. If you're using v24, there is no anonymous endpoint (55235) anymore. You would need to use the secure endpoint (55236) and pass in an apiToken.

      • srieger
      • 8 days ago
      • Reported - view

       Thanks! Yea I'm able to convert it to CSV no issue, just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing this unnecessarily. 

      • smason
      • 8 days ago
      • Reported - view

      You're welcome!

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